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Perfect skin

Acne-prone skin

We provide pharmacological and medical treatment for those with acne, rosacea and senile. The combination of conventional medicine with aesthetic techniques gives good and long-term effects. Depending on the problem type we perform laser treatment, IPL, photodynamic therapy, laser peel and other types of peels.

Atopic skin

Changes which characterize atopic skin are different depending patient’s age. The most common symptom is dry skin together with recurring skin changes which over time contribute to the skin thickening, so-called lichenization. It is accompanied frequently by secondary infections, follicular keratosis, vermillion border inflammation and changes around eyes, not to mention bothersome itching. At Centre of Aesthetic Medicine Consensus, we analyze symptoms of atopic dermatitis, treat them and teach proper care which helps to reduce disease symptoms.

Cellulite – make orange peel smooth

Hips and buttocks are natural storage of body fat. If we have it too little – we stop menstruating – if too much – buttocks lose their shape. And here starts our problem with cellulite - or nicely called orange peel. Adipose tissues overgrow connective tissue causing blood and lymph circulation disturbance as well as toxin and metabolism products removal. Areas covered in cellulite have less healthy blood supply, display oxygen reduction and their cell metabolism is compromised. At the beginning water and toxins are accumulating in tissues, causing so called “water” cellulite. Then fat cells deform causing, so called, “fat” cellulite which has three levels of severity. For example, the first level is the least severe – inequities in the buttocks area become visible when the skin is pressed with finger, while on the second level it appears when we sit. If the woman has the last stage of cellulite then it means it is visible all the time. The main causes of cellulite appearance are genetic predispositions, sugar and carbohydrate rich diet, obesity, lack of exercise, hormonal disturbances and wearing too tight clothes that hamper blood circulation. If you are willing to smoothen your hip, thigh and buttock skin, take advantage of our treatment programs created specially for our patients. To overcome cellulite problem we offer mesotheraphy in conjunction with Icoone therapy. It is essential to provide also a proper after-treatment care as well as appropriate diet.
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Excessive sweating

Excessive sweating is a very embarrassing problem. Sometimes even using antiperspirants is not very helpful. Currently, the most effective method of aesthetic medicine in the treatment of hyperhidrosis is the botulinum toxin application. After injecting a low dose of toxin substance, the stimulation of sweat glands is blocked. This prevents from sweat precipitation. The effect of treatment usually lasts about 8-10 months. The next treatment session may be performer when the effect of the previous one is over.

Express your hair

Lush, shiny hair is a symbol of youth and vitality. Unfortunately – intense stylization, hard water, stress and pollution cause that the process of hair replacement is not as intensive as before. A normal person at any time has around 100 000 hairs. Each of them grows around 1 centimetre per month and remains on head for about 2 up to 8 years and then dies and falls out. On average, we lose 50-150 of hair every day. Usually new ones appear on their places and we do not notice the replacement process. It is different when, because of various systemic disorders, there are more hair that we lose than those growing ones. Baldness may affect men as well as women. There are many causes of such situation, however, after diagnosis is presented, a doctor may recommend appropriate treatment conduct. Apart from pharmacological treatment it is worth to consider mesotherapy and laser biostimulation so that not to be worried about hair loss any more!
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Laser hair removal

If you believe that it is time to remove superfluous hair, we recommend alexandrite laser (755nm) to do it. It is not as popular as diode lasers, however the American Dermatological Association after many years of research has concluded that it shows better long-term effects. It is equipped with scanner so the treatment is quick and precise. It is conducted in a non-invasive and contactless way. Before laser depilation, a protective layer of gel is placed on the skin and a stream of air cools the skin to ensure maximum comfort. In addition, our clients are provided with an opportunity to apply EMLA cream before treatment to make skin anaesthetics. Laser radiation is absorbed by melanin – a brown pigment. Laser is more effective with fair skin type (less amount of melanin in the skin) and dark, melanin-rich hair. Laser radiation causes the increase of temperature in both hair follicle and other structures responsible for hair growth and destroys them permanently. The treatment must coincide with the growth cycles. The laser effectively disables the hair follicles that are in an active growth phase. Only 30-50% of hair is actively growing at any time. It takes about three treatments to remove about 90% of hair. Remaining 10% is fair and thin hair, which may require next treatments in order to be removed. If the excessive hair is associated with hormonal imbalances, more treatments may be required. Additional maintenance treatments may be needed once in a few years (2-8 years). Consensus is the only Centre of Aesthetic Medicine which accepts complaints for consideration. Within two weeks after the treatment, if the hair does not fall out or if the effect require corrections, we provide a free of charge additional therapy. Laser treatments of patients with fair hair are combined with IPL Photoderm Vasculight therapy. A medical consultation is required before laser treatment in order to check if there are no contraindications to perform the procedure and to receive pre/post-treatment information. After 20 years of performing this type of treatment, no dangers or side-effects were identified. Proper laser selection is essential because its parameters are of great importance.
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Scar formation is a natural part of the healing process. Many scars heal and disappear over time with no intervention. Biostimulate laser may support the healing process and it should be used soon after removing stitches. However, there are also abnormal scars – red, thick and tight – that grow beyond the area of injured skin. They are not only aesthetical but also a health problem. They can cause contractures, pain and nagging itching. Some of them may also limit joint mobility. We can make them soft by using fractional laser, which may be combined in some cases with Icoone therapy. The latter has excellent application in the removal of swellings, calluses and stiffening of connective tissue formed after heavy injuries. In the scars treatment we cooperate with surgeons, orthopaedists and physiotherapists. A major aesthetical defect cause atrophic scars which are below the skin surface and those which got stretched. Fractional laser, CO2 laser, microdermabrasion, mesotherapy and Icoone treatment are able to significantly improve their appearance. Acne scars are many people problem. Their treatment is difficult and slow, however it gives good and long-term effects. It is performed, in particular, by means of fractional laser and appropriate peels. If we compare the surface of skin covered with scars with mountains and valleys, it can be said that fractional laser raises valleys and peels smoothens mountains. The therapy may be combined with other treatments, including mesotherapy using skin regenerating ingredients.
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Skin tags

They are called: warts, fibromas, milium, cysts, birthmarks. They do not sound attractive. Therefore, we want to get rid of most of them as soon as possible. The most commonly used surgical laser for such ailments is the CO2 laser which has wavelength of 10600 nm. Laser light energy is converted into heat. It evaporates thin layer of irradiated cell on the skin and, at the same time, high temperature maintains sterile conditions. During the procedure a doctor can observe the gradually evaporated skin changes which causes the treatment to be extremely precise. At the same time laser beam seals lymphatic and blood vessels creating clean surgical field. Skin after CO2 laser surgery heals by granulation - epidermal cells gradually generate in the treated area, and the regenerated skin usually does not have any signs of treatment. If the size of the skin tag is large then there is local anaesthetic provided. Laser therapy removes effectively viral lesions. While removing infected tissues there are visible little shining dots what allows to evaporate them precisely. The recurrence rate of such lesions is low. Removal of skin tags do not damage the adjacent skin. After the treatment the skin is covered with scabs. There is no need of wearing a patch, patients may wash normally and use cosmetics. In most cases healing is scarless. It is a treatment for patients of all ages, including children and pregnant women. Laser surgery is used to remove benign skin changes, keloid scars, viral warts, genital warts, fibromas, small lipomas, blisters, milium and sebaceous cysts. We focus, in particular, on removing viral lesions because they are dangerous regardless the occurring place. For example, lesions in the hand area may provoke cervical cancer. We pay special attention to the tumor prophylaxis. Suspicious lesions are excised using traditional method and then subjected for histopathological examination. We rophylactically remove tags which are located in areas of chronic irritation as well as on hands and feet. It is not true that surgical intervention causes cancer or tumor recurrence. Whereas, skin changes without treatment may lead to the oncological changes. Changes in subcutaneous tissue, such as fibromas, lipomas, are removed surgically. Corns and calluses are treated surgically and by means of CO2 laser. To ensure treatment effectiveness it is essential to remove the cause of the lesion. Ingrown toenails are removed surgically or, if possible, by a laser.
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Stretch marks

The problem of stretch marks affects more and more people, not only women. Even young men who achieved a very dynamic muscle expansion through intense exercises as well as fast-growing teenagers suffer from this ailment. Fighting stretch marks requires, above all, patience. The therapy consists of few or several treatments which are to be taken at appropriate intervals. It is all about the appearabnce of stretch marks and skin condition. The best results are visible with combined treatments, i.e. mesotherapy with microdermobrasion - used interchangeably with various laser treatments together with Zaffiro thermolift therapy. Excellent effects are provided by Icoone. A massage performed by special roller heads stimulates body and provides better results than other vacuum massage techniques. It reduces stretch marks effectively and, in conjunction with other methods, often causes that stretch marks become invisible.
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